Blogging since 2006 ~ Formerly known as Stamping Therapy

Monday, June 15, 2009

Support Women Everywhere!


This is not a political post. This is about civil rights. Lots of people post more than paper crafts on their blogs. If you choose not to return because of this post, I'm disappointed. But everyone has the right to their beliefs.

I received a nasty comment that I did not publish. This post is available for those who have not heard of the petition. You can choose to agree or disagree. I personally believe, and teach my students, that jokes can be funny or they can be used to hurt people. My students never get away with making fun of someone with the excuse that it is a joke. Letterman was "at work". If any other man at a job outside of the media would have been charged with sexual harassment and possibly lose his job. His apology was insincere and CBS has done nothing. I think CBS should be receiving a decrease in sponsorship. I go by the saying, "The customer is always right." Customer service is important if you want to be successful.

Fire David Letterman

Rally: Tuesday, June 16, 4:30PM
Sign a petition online (Will be sent to CBS & sponsors)
Contact sponsors & stop buying their products

This is going to be tough because their are a lot of sponsors I currently support: M&Ms, Johnson&Johnson, Kellogg's, eBay, Old Navy, Olive Garden, Touchstone Pictures (Disney). HOWEVER, I will be following this story closely. If a sponsor stops supporting Letterman, I will be able to use their products again.

1 comment:

Jeanette said...

Good for yo! I don't watch Letterman ever, so I didn't hear what he said first hand. Just news reports. Right is right no matter what or where. Saying mean things is wrong. They always hurt.